Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
Mitochondria produce ATP, essential for protein synthesis
Mitochondria impairment amplifies inflammation and age-related diseases
Since 1996 PD has been working – one of the first companies in the world – to identify specific amino acid mixtures for energy metabolism disorders in humans.
R&D focus allowed to improve compositions and to identify new bio-chemical processes to enhance mixture efficacy. In particular, the inclusion of the Krebs cycle intermediates boost amino acids efficacy.
[data on file by Prof. E. Nisoli (University of Milan) in cultured mouse cardiomyocytes]. Paper filed for patent submission PCT/IB2018/055425
Mitochondrial activity and aging
Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of age-related skeletal muscle functional atrophy.
EAAs supplementation supports the skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in middle-aged mice
Middle-aged mice (16 months) supplemented for 90 days with EAAs
EAAs supplementation preserve muscle morphology and improve functional capacity.
EAAs supplementation restores the fiber cross-sectional areas of skeletal muscle to the levels of young mice
EAAs supplementation increases mitochondrial mass in skeletal muscle
EAAs supplementation restores the fiber cross-sectional areas of skeletal muscle to the levels of young mice
EAAs supplementation increases mitochondrial mass in skeletal muscle
EAAs and healthy metabolism
EAAs can differently modulate anabolic and catabolic states:
EAAs recover energy balance and ameliorates clinical outcomes
Clinical Evidence
Over the 15 years of experience with the previous AA mixture, numerous experimental and clinical studies have been conducted and published in international peer-reviewed journals.
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